
Noh as Living Art: Inside Japan’s Oldest Theatrical Tradition

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This slim volume, at just over 100 pages, is a primer to noh, Japan’s classic performance art. First appearing in Japanese, the text was translated by Kawamoto Nozomu, who was raised in the United States and currently trains with the author in noh utai singing. The work was published by Japan Library, as part of a series of non-fiction English translations by prominent Japanese authors that is backed by the Japanese government. As might be expected, this series reflects a somewhat conservative picture of Japan’s achievements in politics, economics, international relations, art, and culture.

With all the books out there on noh, would this be worthwhile for a first-time student of this venerable tradition? My answer would be a qualified yes. The translator has, along with the author, made certain changes to target a foreign readership, but more than that, Yasuda has provided a witty and fresh approach to this art. More….